Passionately Tango Music
DJ'ing in your Event
Nowadays you'll have tons of Tango Dj's, some fantastic, but many people believe one simply can do it as long as you have Itunes. But anyone who really knows the music, knows it is more than that and will recognise the difference between an experienced Dj and one just playing lists of his gusto. Please find below the reasons why you should ponder booking Nicolás Bertucci for your Event!

almost 30 years of constant experience & growth
started playing music in Milongas in the Netherlands in 1995, first from cassettes, then CDs and then as today usual from the laptop. He was the first introducing the format Tandas y Cortinas in Vienna and founded 1999 Viennas oldest traditional Milonga.
played in Vienna, Bratislava, Carinthia, England, Mumbai as well as in his hometown Buenos Aires too, for example on the Birthday celebration of a Teacher/Organiser - Oscar el colo“ Garcia- in Villa Malcom.
Knowledge & Flexibility
He knows most of the Tangos of the golden Era by Heart and they play in his mind: Play him a Tango and- often within short time and before the singer starts to sing-, he will mostly be able to tell you the name of the Tango, The Orquesta and the Singer.
Thus opposed to many DJ nowadays who need either to prepare a complete playlist before hand or have to pre-listen Tangos to see if they fit well, he simply knows them and can therefore even choose, change spontaneously if needed and play on spot. He of course will never put together a Fresedo from the 30ies with one from the 60ties within 1 Tanda, which unfortunately happens with unexperienced TDJ’s.
Within the Tandas and within the DJ Set there will be Harmony and a well chosen mix.

Love & Tradition
Though Nicolas does not come from a dancer family, since his childhood in Buenos Aires he listened to the Tangos his father played regularly.
Thus the Tango Music- playing strictly traditional- is his first love he involves with passionately, the dancing came later.